Need fast and convenient government services in Tashkent? Public service centers provide a wide range of services for citizens and businesses. Learn more about their work!
Recent reviews:
Men bu yerga bir necha marta borganman, hamma narsa yaxshi, lekin ba'zida juda ham ko'p odam bo'ladi...
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но иногда бывают очереди. Обслуживание среднее, можно обратить...
Recent reviews:
Davlat xizmatlari markazi yaxshi, lekin ba'zi xodimlari sekin ishlaydi. Sharoitlari ham o'rtacha, na...
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но не всегда все быстро. Цены средние, обслуживание нормальное...
Recent reviews:
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но не всегда работают все окна. Цены средние, обслуживание нор...
Men bu markazga tez-tez murojaat qilaman. Xizmatlar ham yaxshi, xodimlari ham o'z ishining ustasi. T...
Recent reviews:
Davlat xizmatlari markazi yaxshi, lekin ba'zi hujjatlarni topshirishga vaqt ko'p ketadi. Atmosfera h...
Menimcha bu davlat xizmatlari markazi o'rtacha, xodimlari ham xushmuomala, lekin biroz sekin ishlayd...
Recent reviews:
Men bu yerga bir necha marta kelganman. Xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi yaxshi, hammasi yoqadi, navbatlar...
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но не всегда все работает. Цены средние, обслуживание тоже сре...
Recent reviews:
Men bu yerga tez-tez murojaat qilib turaman. Xizmat ko'rsatish yaxshi, xodimlari ham xushmuomala, sh...
Men bu davlat xizmatlari markaziga bir necha marta murojaat qilganman, hamma narsa yaxshi. Xodimlari...
Recent reviews:
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но не всегда все четко. Цены средние, обслуживание тоже средне...
Davlat xizmatlari markazi juda zo'r, hammasi menga yoqadi. Xodimlari ham juda xushmuomala, hammasi m...
Recent reviews:
Men bir necha marta shu yerga murojaat qilganman, sharoitlari ham yaxshi. Xizmat ko'rsatish ham meng...
Men doim shu davlat xizmatlari markaziga murojaat qilaman. Xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi ham a'lo, hamm...
Recent reviews:
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но очереди очень большие. Обслуживание среднее, можно обратитс...
Men o'zim ham shu markazga tez-tez kelib turaman. Xizmat ko'rsatish sifati yaxshi, narxlari ham qula...
Recent reviews:
Men bu markazga bir necha marta murojaat qilganman. Hammasi yaxshi, xodimlari ham xushmuomala, xizma...
Davlat xizmatlari markazi yaxshi, atmosfera ham yoqimli. Xodimlari ham xushmuomala, xizmat ko'rsatis...
Recent reviews:
Men bu markazga doim murojaat qilaman, xodimlari xushmuomala, o'z ishining ustasi. Hammasi menga yoq...
Центр государственных услуг неплохой, но бывают проблемы с очередями. Цены средние, обслуживание тож...
Recent reviews:
Центр государственных услуг, но обслуживание иногда оставляет желать лучшего. Цены средние, но качес...
Men shu yerga bir necha marta murojaat qilganman, sharoitlari ham o'rtacha, xizmat ko'rsatish ham sh...
In Tashkent, there are a number of public service centers that provide a wide range of services for citizens and businesses. Public service centers in Tashkent strive to provide convenient and quick access to various public services, such as processing documents, registration, obtaining certificates, permits, and other types of government services. These centers operate on a one-stop shop principle, which allows citizens and businesses to receive the necessary services in one place. Public service centers in Tashkent are equipped with modern infrastructure and offer convenient conditions for visitors. You can get advice on matters of interest, submit documents, pay state fees, and get the necessary services in one place. Public service centers in Tashkent are constantly trying to improve the quality of services provided and offer convenient solutions for citizens and businesses. When choosing a public service center in Tashkent, pay attention to its location, the list of services provided, operating hours, as well as reviews from other users. It is important that the center is conveniently located and offers the services you need. In Tashkent, public service centers play an important role in ensuring access to government services for citizens and businesses. Take advantage of their services and save your time!