Write a review

Share your experience with others

Rate and write a review of the companies that provided you with a service or sold you goods. It will take 2 minutes of your time. To write a review, go to our telegram bot:


How to write a review correctly?

Write a review only if you personally purchased the product or used the service. Tell us about your specific case. Avoid general phrases and try to include as many details as possible.

Do not write the names of the staff (employees of the company) in your review. Focus on your impression of the product or service. Indicate both the advantages and disadvantages of the service.

Your review will be read by other people, so make it enjoyable - check grammar and spelling, use complete sentences and, most importantly, refrain from insults and swearing.

Save the payment receipt issued by the company. If the company appeals your review, we will ask you to provide a copy of the receipt. If you are unable to provide a copy of the payment receipt, your review will be removed.