Tattoo artists in Tashkent


Want to decorate your body with a unique design in Tashkent? Find professional tattoo artists who will bring your ideas to life. Entrust your skin to experienced artists!


Art Dom


Recent reviews:

2 months ago

Men bu yerga bir necha marta kelganman, tatuirovkasi juda ham zo'r, menga juda yoqadi. Hammasi ajoyi...

7 months ago

Tatuirovka yaxshi chiqdi, narxlari ham qulay. Xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi ham a'lo.


Set Tattoo


Recent reviews:

Алексей Бородин
2 months ago

Татуировка неплохая, но выбор эскизов небольшой. Цены средние, обслуживание нормальное. Можно прийти...

6 months ago

Tatuirovka yaxshi chiqdi, lekin narxlar biroz qimmatroq. Xizmat ko'rsatish sifati ham yaxshi.


Recent reviews:

4 months ago

Tatuirovka o'rtacha, narxlar ham shunga yarasha. Xizmat ko'rsatish ham shunday.

5 months ago

Татуировка не понравилась, мастер не очень профессиональный. Обслуживание среднее, цены тоже. В обще...


MML Tattoo


Recent reviews:

Владислав С.
3 months ago

Татуировка отличная, мастер профессионал. Обслуживание быстрое, место приятное. Рекомендую всем, кто...

10 months ago

Tatuirovka yaxshi chiqdi, atmosfera ham yoqimli. Xizmat ko'rsatish tez.

In Tashkent, you can find many talented tattoo artists offering a wide range of tattoo styles and techniques. Tattoo artists in Tashkent work both in specialized salons and privately, providing an individual approach to each client. They will help you develop a unique design that will match your preferences and reflect your individuality. Tattoo artists in Tashkent use only high-quality materials and equipment to ensure the safety and durability of the tattoo. They also comply with all sanitary standards and hygiene rules. You can choose a tattoo artist in Tashkent who specializes in a particular tattoo style, whether it is realism, graphics, old school, minimalism, or any other. Many artists have a portfolio where you can view their work and choose the one whose style you like best. Tattoo artists in Tashkent are ready to bring both simple and complex designs to life, helping you express your individuality through the art of tattooing. You can contact an artist with a ready-made sketch or ask them to develop an individual design for you. When choosing a tattoo artist in Tashkent, pay attention to their experience, portfolio, reviews from other clients, as well as the sanitary conditions in their studio or salon. It is important that you feel comfortable and confident in your choice of artist. A tattoo is an art that stays with you for life, so you need to approach its selection responsibly. In Tashkent, tattoos are becoming increasingly popular, and artists are constantly improving their skills and abilities. Choose only professionals!