Tashkent is home to sophisticated cosmetology centers that provide high-quality skin care services. These establishments are distinguished by the professionalism of their specialists, the use of advanced technologies and an individual approach to each client.
The clinic offers advanced laser methods of cosmetology and dermatology, stomatology and phlebology, as well as relaxing SPA treatments. Specialists use only certified materials and modern, high-standard equipment.
The cosmetology clinic provides hardware techniques with FDA certification; devices from leading medical equipment manufacturers guarantee the quality and safety of procedures. Experienced clinic specialists provide professional service and recommendations for skin care. There is a focus on patient outcomes and comfort, taking into account everyone's unique needs.
The clinic combines the latest techniques with time-tested methods of treating skin and allergic diseases. Among the procedures performed are the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, fungal infections, as well as the removal of papillomas, warts and telangiectasia using the radio wave method. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy is one of the effective treatment methods offered at the clinic.
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