The best theaters in Tashkent


Tashkent is known for its outstanding theaters, where you can enjoy the high art and talent of local artists. These intimate and unique theaters offer a variety of performances, from classical to contemporary, bringing joy and inspiration to audiences of all ages.

Академический русский драматический театр Узбекистана

The famous theater, one of the oldest in Uzbekistan, occupies an outstanding position in the field of theatrical art at the national level. For more than 90 years, he has been actively promoting the unification of the country's multilingual population through theatrical productions. Performances based on the works of famous authors, including A.S., were and are still being staged on its stage. Pushkin, Alisher Navoi, Shakespeare, Lermontov, Gogol, Jean Letraz and other outstanding representatives of both classical and modern Russian drama.

Exciting atmosphere, masterful performance, amazing emotions!
Академический русский драматический театр Узбекистана

Театр «Ильхом»

The Ilkhom theater produces chamber productions and is distinguished by its unique approach to performances. The boundary between the stage and the audience is often blurred, turning spectators into active participants in the performances. In addition to dramatic productions, Ilkhom hosts exhibitions, concerts and festivals. It is important to note that the theater actively performs on tour in various countries, such as Germany, America, Poland, Japan and others, which emphasizes its international recognition.

A wonderful modern theater. Interesting interpretations intertwined with art house, pressing issues and freedom of speech.
Театр «Ильхом»

Академический большой театр имени Алишера Навои

The theater building, designed by academician architect V.A. Shchusev, is a unique architectural object. Each of the six side foyers of this institution has its own architectural decor, characteristic of a certain region of Uzbekistan. For example, in the Bukhara Hall there is ganch carving, reproduced on a mirror surface, inspired by the design of the palace of the Bukhara emir. On the walls of the halls and foyer of the theater you can see wall paintings depicting scenes from the works of A. Navoi and landscapes of Uzbekistan. The theater's repertoire includes mainly works of world classics, and also regularly hosts concerts and performances by foreign artists.

The theater amazes with its architecture and atmosphere, the repertoire inspires, and the art of the artists leaves an unforgettable impression. A great place for a cultural immersion!
Академический большой театр имени Алишера Навои

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