Home goods stores in Tashkent

Real estate

Need home goods in Tashkent? Visit stores offering a wide range of furniture, dishes, textiles, and other goods for your home. Create coziness and comfort with us!


Home Market


Recent reviews:

6 months ago

Представлен выбор товаров для дома, есть посуда, текстиль, а также предметы интерьера, все необходим...

7 months ago

В магазине можно найти товары для дома, есть посуда, текстиль, также есть предметы интерьера и други...


Decor Home


Recent reviews:

8 months ago

Предлагают товары для дома, есть посуда, текстиль, а также другие предметы интерьера, выбор достаточ...

8 months ago

Здесь есть выбор товаров для дома, можно найти посуду, текстиль, предметы интерьера, а также другие ...


Scandi Home


Recent reviews:

8 months ago

Здесь можно найти товары для дома, есть посуда, текстиль, предметы интерьера, а также декор, также е...

9 months ago

Магазин предлагает товары для дома, есть посуда, текстиль, предметы интерьера, можно подобрать все н...

In Tashkent, you can find many home goods stores offering a wide range of furniture, dishes, textiles, interior items, home appliances, and other goods to create coziness and comfort in your home. Home goods stores in Tashkent offer products from various manufacturers, from local to international brands. You can find both budget options and premium-class goods, depending on your preferences and budget. Home goods stores in Tashkent offer everything you need to furnish any room in your home. Home goods stores in Tashkent often hold sales and promotions, which allows you to save money when buying goods. You can also order delivery of goods to your home or use self-pickup. Home goods stores in Tashkent offer both classic and modern styles to satisfy a wide variety of tastes and preferences of customers. You can find everything you need to create a stylish and cozy interior in your home. When choosing a home goods store in Tashkent, pay attention to its assortment, quality of goods, prices, as well as reviews from other buyers. It is important that the store offers quality goods and provides convenient purchase conditions. In Tashkent, home goods stores play an important role in creating a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in houses and apartments. Visit the best home goods stores and create the perfect interior for your home!