Looking for quality secondary education in Tashkent? Private schools offer modern programs and an individual approach to learning. Provide your child with a successful future!
Smart School
Recent reviews:
Maktab yaxshi, lekin narxlari biroz qimmatroq. O'qituvchilari tajribali, atmosfera ham yaxshi.
Я рассматривал эту школу для обучения моего ребенка. Но я не уверен. Вроде неплохо, но не хватает ин...
CIS International School
Recent reviews:
Men doim shu maktabni tavsiya qilaman. Bolalarim ajoyib o'qishadi, o'qituvchilari ham zo'r.
Maktab yaxshi, o'qitish sifati ham a'lo. Atmosferasi ham yoqimli, sharoitlari ham yaxshi.
Uventa school
Recent reviews:
Хорошая школа, но не всегда есть все нужные предметы. Цены средние, обслуживание хорошее. Можно прий...
Menimcha, bu maktabda ta'lim berish yaxshi yo'lga qo'yilgan. Hammasi ajoyib, sharoitlari ham zo'r.
Artel Technical School
Recent reviews:
Menimcha, bu texnikumda o'qish yaxshi yo'lga qo'yilgan. Hamma narsa yoqadi, o'qituvchilari ham ajoyi...
Texnikum yaxshi, o'qitish sifati ham yoqdi. Atmosfera ham shinam, xodimlari ham yaxshi.
Recent reviews:
Men bu maktab haqida eshitganman. O'qitish sifati ham yaxshi, hammasi yoqadi, atmosfera ham ajoyib.
Men bu maktabga farzandimni berganman. Hammasi o'zimga yoqadi. O'qituvchilari ham tajribali.
Diplomat International School
Recent reviews:
Международная школа неплохая, но не всем она доступна. Цены очень высокие, обслуживание на уровне, н...
Men doim shu maktabni tavsiya qilaman, bolalarim yaxshi o'qishadi. O'qituvchilar ham ajoyib, hammasi...
Tashkent International School
Recent reviews:
Men bu maktabda o'qiyman, sharoitlari ham ajoyib. O'qituvchilar ham yaxshi, menga juda yoqadi. Tavsi...
Международная школа неплохая, но не всегда есть все нужные предметы. Цены высокие, обслуживание сред...
Vosiq International School
Recent reviews:
Международная школа неплохая, но не все нравится. Цены средние, обслуживание среднее, можно выбрать ...
Men farzandimni shu maktabga berganman. Atmosfera ham zo'r, xodimlari ham xushmuomala.
Private schools in Tashkent offer an alternative to state educational institutions, providing an individualized approach to each student. These schools often have smaller class sizes, allowing teachers to give more attention to each child. In addition to the core curriculum, many private schools in Tashkent offer extracurricular activities and clubs that contribute to the comprehensive development of children. Studying at a private school may include in-depth study of foreign languages, arts, sports, and other disciplines. Parents choosing private schools in Tashkent often seek to provide their children with a higher quality of education and better learning conditions. Private schools in Tashkent vary in their curricula, tuition costs, and additional services. Before making a decision, it is recommended to carefully study the offers of different schools to choose the most suitable option for your child. Many private schools in Tashkent have modern equipment and infrastructure, creating comfortable conditions for learning. An important factor when choosing a private school is also the qualifications of the teaching staff, their experience, and professionalism. The educational process in private schools in Tashkent often includes innovative teaching methods and an individualized approach to each child. By choosing a private school, parents strive to give their children the best education and create favorable conditions for their future success. Tashkent private schools are an important part of the city's educational system.