Need to refuel your car in Tashkent? Find the nearest gas stations with quality fuel. Convenient location and fast service – your guarantee for a smooth trip!
Recent reviews:
Menga bu zapravka yoqadi, benzin sifati ham yaxshi. Xizmat ko'rsatish darajasi ham zo'r, tavsiya qil...
Бензиновая заправка неплохая, но иногда бывают очереди. Цены средние, обслуживание тоже. Можно запра...
IBR Petroleum
Recent reviews:
Men shu zapravkaga tez-tez kelib turaman. Xizmat ko'rsatish sifati ham yaxshi, narxlari ham qulay. H...
Bu zapravkada men mashinamga benzin quyaman. Hammasi zo'r, navbatlar ham unchalik ko'p emas, tavsiya...
Comfort Oil
Recent reviews:
Бензиновая заправка неплохая, но не всегда есть нужный бензин. Цены средние, обслуживание тоже. Можн...
Men shu zapravkaga tez-tez kelib turaman. Xizmat ko'rsatish yaxshi, narxlari ham shunga yarasha. Ham...
Tatneft Tashkent
Recent reviews:
Men bu yerga doim mashinamga benzin quygani kelaman, narxlari ham o'rtacha, xodimlari ham xushmuomal...
Benzin quyish shoxobchasi yaxshi, narxlari o'rtacha. Xizmat ko'rsatish tez.
Lukoil Tashkent
Recent reviews:
Men doim shu zapravkaga kelaman, benzinlari sifati yaxshi. Xizmat ko'rsatish sifati ham yoqadi. Hamm...
Menimcha bu yerda benzin yaxshi. Xodimlari ham xushmuomala, narxlari ham o'rtacha, hammasi menga yoq...
In Tashkent, there are many gas stations that offer various types of fuel for cars. You can find gas stations of both large chain companies and small private gas stations. Gas stations in Tashkent are usually located in convenient places, allowing drivers to quickly and easily refuel their cars. Many gas stations offer additional services such as car washes, shops, and cafes. Gas stations in Tashkent strive to maintain the quality of fuel at a high level to ensure the smooth operation of cars. At gas stations, you can usually find gasoline of various brands, including AI-92, AI-95, and AI-98, as well as diesel fuel. Many gas stations also accept payment by bank cards and offer various discounts and promotions for their customers. When choosing a gas station in Tashkent, pay attention to its location, reputation, fuel quality, and the availability of additional services. It is important that the gas station offers quality fuel at a reasonable price. In Tashkent, gas stations operate around the clock, which is very convenient for drivers. Use trusted gas stations and be confident in the quality of your car's fuel.